Rules & Regulations

Code of Conduct  Strictly Enforced

All students must adhere to the institute's code of conduct. This includes maintaining discipline, respecting faculty and staff, and following ethical practices.

Attendance Policy  Enforced with Consequences

Regular attendance is mandatory for all classes and practical sessions. Students must maintain a minimum attendance percentage to be eligible for examinations.

Academic Integrity  Strictly Monitored

Academic integrity is of utmost importance. Plagiarism and cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Students are expected to submit original work.

Dress Code  Enforced during College Hours

All students must follow the prescribed dress code while on the campus. Neat and appropriate attire is expected at all times.

Mobile Phones  Restricted during Academic Sessions

Mobile phones should be kept on silent mode during lectures and practical sessions. Their usage in classrooms is restricted.

Use of Facilities  Monitored and Subject to Penalties

All students are responsible for using the institute's facilities, equipment, and resources with care. Any damage caused will be subject to penalties.

Smoking and Substance Abuse  Zero Tolerance Policy

Smoking and substance abuse are strictly prohibited on the institute's premises. Violators will face disciplinary action.

Anti-Bullying Policy  Strictly Enforced

Bullying or harassment of any kind is not tolerated. The institute maintains a safe and respectful environment for all students.